Reflective blog

3 in 1 Crit 

For this we had to show our work to other students and the tutor and explain our ideas behind our 3 in 1 project during this I was was able to explain my ideas to my fellow peers and tutor and get feedback from them  I was also able to get ideas from the other students as I listened to their ideas and gave positive feedback and comments when they were presenting their 3 in 1 


For this we had to show our work again but this time it was a different project it went the same way as the previous project.   During this I was was able to explain my ideas to my fellow peers and tutor and get feedback from them  I was also able to get ideas from the other students as I listened to their ideas and gave positive feedback and comments when they were presenting their Glitch in 9 

Blob fish Experiment reflective Evaluation 
I created a Stop-Motion Animation experiment  during the 2 day Introductory stage of Film/Animation and photography pathway. Originally I was in a group but I decided to work on my own as I felt more comfortable and I tend to like to make create stuff on my own rather than working in a group and thinking of ideas as I have tend to like to use my ideas rather than anyone elses. I was was able to explain my ideas to my fellow peers and tutor and get feedback from them  I was also able to get ideas from the other students
Overall I liked my Stop Motion/ Claymation  animation However If i were to do it again i would change everything and improve the materials i used, camera, shots and angles, especially how i edited it and maybe add actual sounds than effects keep the storyline maybe do it in a different way like drawing it out or doing it on a white board. Id make it a bit more professional 

Haribo evaluation
These were tiny animation experiments I thought about. I thought about the Haribo experiment when watching a haribo animation while actually eating haribos, overall I like how it turned out however to improve it i would have taken my time and not rush into it and actually think of a story instead of making it random  
old man evaluation 
The old man drawing was a step by step drawing of how i drew my characters overall I liked it to improve i would have made it move

With this animation it was a  gif me and my sister though off random when we were talking about the weeping angels from doctor who i decided to make an animated gif of her being a weeping angel dressed in her onesie. overall I would have changed nothing but to improve next time i would her dressed her as a weeping angel and filmed it using a camera. also instead of animating it i would make it into a film like the doctor who episode blink.


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