Tuesday 10 February 2015

Bigger Picture/ Research idea

Research Inspiration for my Final Major Project 

When thinking of what to do for my Final Major Project I searched the internet for ideas and images and came across this particular image this opened my eye and
inspired me to create a puppet/toy show for my final major project.

I also went to the Museum of childhood where I took these images to further my project idea and give me inspiration

Film inspirations 
Hugo is an historical adventure drama film based on the novel The Invention of Hugo Cabaret by Brian Selznick. The Story is set in the Gare Montparnasse Railway station in France, Paris during the 1930s.

The story is wrapped around a mystery involving  the mechanical man and Hugo's Father  who used to be a devoted master clock master and watchmaker. Sadly his Father dies in a museum fire, Leaving Hugo Cabaret who is 12 with his alcoholic uncle who also maintains the clocks in the railway stations he is taught by him and late father inheriting most of his talents for all things mechanical,learning how to fix clocks and other gadgets. he puts these skills to good use keeping the train station clock running .

After his uncle leaves him Hugo now  an orphan lives a secretive  in the walls of the Gare Montparnasse Railway stations hidden chambers and passages,where he maintains the clocks, scrounges around for food avoiding the vindictive station inspector Gustave and his doberman Maxi-million.and scrounges for food in the vendors also stealing mechanical parts from the owner of a toy shop, George Melies in order to fix his mechanical man/automaton. 

 Hugo is one of my all time favourite Book and movie so I have decided to use it as a reference to my work as  I find both the movie the movie very fascinating and is the most important and fantastic movies to me and my final major project. I love the steam punk and inspiration behind it all and the era and location it was based in. Also it fits in with my research with toys, puppets, robots.

I'm Fascinated by both the book film, Hugo it's one of my inspirations especially the automaton. For my Final Major Project which will be a silent/comedy puppet show which will be in half colour half black and white set around the 1930s. The style and look puppet theater stage is also inspired by the movie and the steam-punk/Victorian style mainly the clockworks,gadgets. I will be making it look old and run down with clockworks,numbers gadgets,bolts, nails.

George Melies
Born in Paris,France George Melies was a French Illusionist and Film Maker most famously known for leading pioneer in Film and cinema and lead many technical and narrative developments in the earliest days of film and cinema. 

Le Voyage Dans La Lune(Trip to the Moon)

Inspired by Jueles Verse's novel From the Earth to the Moon/Around the Moon, Le Voyage dans la Lune also known as A Trip to the Moon is an 1902 French silent film famously created and directed by George Melies

The film follows a group of astronomers who travel to the Moon in a cannon-propelled capsule, explore the Moon's surface, escape from an underground group of Selenites (lunar inhabitants), and return with a splashdown to Earth with a captive Selenite. It features an ensemble cast of French theatrical performers, led by Méliès himself in the main role of Professor Barbenfouillis, and is filmed in the overtly theatrical style for which Méliès became famous.

My thoughts 
I've use George Melies as part of my project after seeing him being include in the film Hugo. Even though I'm not a fan of old silent movies however I'm only a fan  George Melies movies and he has Proved that they are wonderful, fascinating to watch. It also matches with the film as I'm also researching it as part of my project   

Music Video Inspiration

There are a number of music videos by various artists that have inspired my Final Major Project and myself personally.

Christina Aguilera-Hurt
The music video/pop ballad is inspired by the 1920s-1930s  with an authentic and organic twist. It depicts 
Christina Aguilera as show girl in the circus suffering from her fathers death after realizing she was too wrapped up in fame/Stardom to deal with what matters. The song is also about pain of losing someone in general.
The Video begins with the ending Instrumental of "Enter the Circus"/"Welcome", voiced by a Carnival barker introducing a spectacular circus show in Black & White including different circus acts in the background too.

The Video then transitions to colour where your see Christina Aguilera in an old fashioned dressing room getting ready/ talking. she then receives flowers and important telegram informing her that her father has died
on the 2nd September 1967. 

After reading the telegram it skips to her
 sitting alone in the empty circus looking upset she then has a  flashback and is ruptured by the sight of a tightrope, it then shows 
her as a young girl with her father encouraging her to do the same as she saw in the circus show,from this moment she starts training herself to the same thing as she saw from the circus show.

The Video then switches back to older Christina Aguliera fulfilling her dream and performing at the circus where she descends from  the top of a circus tent on a rope, onto a back of an elephant wearing a structured jeweled outfit and pointe shoes, fans cheer and clap along with her father watching,supporting and adoringly in the audience. 

She later then attempts to greet her father where he is seen pushing through the crowd to get to her but he is too late as she is pulled away by the crowd/fans and photographers who are all keen to meet her as she's a star and very famous now. Her father feels disappointed so he leaves. It then skips to her in her dressing room along with the other acts and it it then revealed the content of the telegram as seen in the first part of the video that its a message that her father has died. he then breaks down and starts spinning around remembering memories and having flashbacks to when she was a little girl with her father and the great memories they had together and realizes that's she was too wrapped up in her stardom to deal with the matters forgetting the most important person in her life, her father. She makes a huge run/racing out of her dressing room through the circus in an belated attempt to find her father because she does not believe hes dead. she is seen dropping on the ground in tears and grieving as shes looks up she see a mysterious figure that looks like her father thinking its her father she reaches her hand out to him realizing its not her father lays on the ground crying. The video then end with a shot of Christina Aguilera sitting on a circus box,singing and crying,before the camera fades out and zooms to her grief-stricken for on the ground outside the circus tent on the ground.  
My Thoughts on the Video/ Inspiration to Final Major Project 

The reason I choose this particular  music video by Christina Aguliera is because I love whole the song and concept behind this video.  I adore the detail and message behind the song along with the style of  the most video  where it is set, the way its shot and presented both in black and white in the beginning which is silent reminding me of a George
Melies. I also love the circus and the life of a circus person it also  really fits well with my final major project and my story and puppet show

Mcfly-The Ballad of Paul K
The Ballad Of Paul K is pop-rock ballad written by Mcfly based of the Bands fathers,about a middle aged man coming to terms with his life, also having a mid-life crisis. The music video is a blend of live-action and animation and often is considered/resembles to be in the style of the Tim Burton movies especially The Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpses Bride.

The Music video starts of with a shot of which looks like an old/abandoned/haunted/Halloween looking house which is owned by an old man with a fiery sunset sky. It in Zooms into the house and his how he lives his day to day life and daily routine.   The whole Song/story is narrated By Mcfly who all look as they are a Tim Burton character The band star in the video wearing scary marks covering them and imitating the old man in video. story  singing about the old man day to day life, struggles, routines he goes through 

My thoughts
The reason I choose this particular  music video by Mcfly  is because I love the band,whole the song and concept behind this video.  I adore the detail and message behind the song along with the style of  the most video  where it is set, the way its shot and presented. The video reminds me of a Tim Burton film and I love the creepiness and mystery behind it and the life struggle we have to go through. This video also fits into my final project and my research on toys and puppets.

Panic at the Disco- Ballad of Mona Lisa P
The Ballad Mona Lisa is rock song written by Panic at the Disco. Their Music has been described as a combination of buzzsaw riffs, punchy percussion and literate, multi-layered lyrics. The song's title is, of course, an allusion to Mona Lisa, the famous Renaissance-era oil painting by Leonardo da Vinci. The painting inspired Panic!, which pulls their style from the nostalgic romanticism of the Elizabethan and Victorian eras.

The Music Video
The video documents the steps for preparing and displaying a body before burial in the Victorian era, from shutting the windows and covering up mirrors to laying the body out in white so loved ones could mourn
My thoughts 
Just like the Mcfly video again I love the band,whole the song and concept behind this video.  I adore the detail and message behind the song along with the style of  the most video  where it is set, the way its shot and presented. The video reminds me of a Tim Burton film and I love the creepiness and mystery behind it  This video also fits into my final project and my research on toys and puppets.

My Chemical Romance- Welcome to the Black Parade.

The final Music video I've chosen is by my all time favourite band My Chemical Romance and I've chosen this particular video by them called 
Welcome to the Black Parade,an Alternative rock .The concept of this song revolves a character known as "The Patient", dressed in a hospital
gown,with his fondest memory from his childhood being
 going to a parade with his father. However when he passes away at a tragically

young age/taken by death he imagines it in the form of a "Black Parade" and is picked up by them standing on a float with dozens of masked figures standing behind them singing about his death and that his memory will carry one even though he has had many struggles in his life people will remember him 
 My Chemical Romance also known as the "The Black Parade bring  
 the patient who is dressed in a hospital gown on a journey across a city through his death introducing different figures/characters 
 including Mother War and Fear and Regret who also take him along a journey showing him his life.

My thoughts 
To me I think this is the greatest video of all 
 there album beating both the the Mcfly and Panic at the Disco video. This band and video are the biggest inspiration and mean the world to me and my work especially the lead singer Gerard Way
again I love the band,whole the song and concept behind this video.  I adore the detail and message behind the song along with the style of  the most video  where it is set, the way its shot and presented. The video reminds me of a Tim Burton film and I love the creepiness and mystery behind it. This video also fits into my final project and my research on toys and puppets.

Music For My Animation 
I've Decided to not use or create my own music instead I will be using music which already exists on Youtube. I will be using Creepy music particularly  from a dolls music box. The reason why I have choose this particular music as its fits in well with the theme of my Final Major Project. Also I enjoy this type of music as I find It very calming and fascinating 

However before I decided on  using this particular music I was going to use Jim Croce song Time In A Bottle
After Watching X -Men days of our Future Past I came across a  particular scene and in an instance the first thing that caught my eye was the music used so I researched the song and the artist came up as  Jim Croce. I've never heard this song before or known this artist but he did fascinate me straight away 

besides these music choice there were four more more choices I was considering using as again they fit in with my theme of creepiness and horror The first one being being the theme song from American Horror story and 
 as it is my one of favourite shows because each season has a different theme, storyline and characters its not your typical show with one boring story line. Again its also a fascinating show and the song for me is calming I don't find it creepy at all. The second song I was considering was Sia Breath me  as it's on of my favourite songs written by her. as you hear the lyrics its very soothing and calming especially how she sing it. Finally the Last two  was Mirah-Special death again from  American Horror Story  however I heard this from the first season-Murder House and I immediately fell in love with it. Also again I love how she sings it and fits into my work. The other one being the third season Coven called LA LA LA by James S Levine


The reason I used Horror is because it is one of many Influences in my work. The two Horror movies I would say that influence me seen, referenced and part of my work a a lot would probably be Saw especially Saw 6 and Chucky(Childs Play).These two are my favourite all time horror films and I have used them a lot as they link into my research on toys and puppets and using them in my final major project.

Here are some pictures of the two puppets 

Toy Story               Toy Story is a 1995 American computer animated comedy adventure film produced by Pixar animation studios and released by Walt Disney pictures.The film follows a group of anthropomorphic toys who pretend to be lifeless whenever humans are present. The film focuses on a character called Andy a Human and his relationship between two toys/ major characters Woody a pull-string cowboy toy and Buzz Lightyear and astronaut action figure .This particular  film  hugely influences a lot of my work is the Toy Story movies. These movies play a big part in Final Major project and my research with of Toys. I generally feel as toys are not inanimate and that they can move and have feeling when you least expect it or just like Chucky and this movie when your not watching them.

Museum of Childhood 
Founded in 1872 The Bethnal Green Museum also known as the V&A Museum Of Childhood holds the largest collection of childhood object in the U.K.
located in Bethnal Green at the east end of London it's one of 
 branches of the Victoria and Albert Museum which is the U.K's national museum of applied arts.The Museum displays a variety/collection of different toys from different time periods which can also be seen in the Wallace Collection. 

It has be defined as a specialist museum of childhood focusing on services for children.Its also been listed as a Grand II Building meaning its an ancient monument/ building of special architectural/ Historical interest which 
 can not be demolished, extended or altered without special permission from the local planning authority/ government as the  

My Thoughts on the Museum/Why its a part of my FMP. 
  I've visited this museum  on a number of different occasions  and I can say it's one of my favourite and best  museums to visited as  it reminds you of your own childhood memories  and the childhood toys you used to play with as a child. Toys really fascinates me especially the history behind certain toys and puppets and knowing how different toys created during the different time periods  and which were popular / with children and which ones they played with back then compared to the toys we play with today. Also how  certain toys have changed a lot in our lives and some of the oldest/ famous toys still being relevant with children still using them to this day.

Here are some pictures I've taken of different toys  used by boys and girls over the years during there school year. 

These first number of pictures were collected  on my phone displaying all  these  confiscated items children used to bring to school during the year.and toys children used during those years  
Some of these items bring back a lot of nostalgic memories  while others are shocking.  
Items Confiscated
While Looking at the different Board I was was drawn to these specific boards showing children's items that were confiscated.I was surprised&shocked to see that children actually made/brought this items to school to use on there classmates throughout the different years.I Was specifically drawn to The Home-made Axe a year 7 boy made during 1995.This made me wonder why  anyone would want to make an axe especially a year 7 student what do thy hope to achieve out of it. 

Besides that I was also drawn to this certain objects as they bought back nostalgic memories unlike the objects above. I was drawn this picture below specifically the CD player. I remember the days when technology wasn't huge and everyone one used to have one of these and just buy the CD's and listen to them instead of downloading them as we do now. However now that technology has got better over time things have changed there is no need to buy the CD when it takes only few seconds to download the song/whole album with one click/button on your phone.however some people still buy the CDs like me for example I really like having/holing the finished product that the artist has spent time and effort producing. For me it bring back memories, I really do miss this when people actually used to buy the CD of there favourite band however I can agree on that it is much better and quicker to just download it on your phone in this time of year compare to years back  then so you don't have to flick and change the CD each time its  it just makes it easier having it on your phone and flicking the different songs off the different albums. 

Chatter Boxes 
Another object I photographed and was drawn to on the board was the chatterboxes.Just like the CD players this brought back nostalgia, I remember wasting my time making these and figuring what great things to write in each of them, so I was happy when I saw them place on the board and that children still use them to this day  

Old Phones
on top of chatterboxes and CD player another important piece on the board I photographed was the old phone again just like the chatterbox and CD player It brings back memories and how different it was compared to now where technology has evolved from this phone you see in the picture to better quality, having more better features and apps on phones like the I-Phone or Samsung for example.I remember having one of these phones and being excited to have a phone in the first place way before the I-Phone or Samsung were make and before the Internet was huge. My favourite thing was playing snake on the phone.
Cute letter/Skateboard/Game-boy Here the last few things I photographed one the board.I didn't particularly used to use or play with any of these especially  cute letters. out of the three I'd remember the skateboard as a lot of boys used to bring them into school and randomly start playing with them I don't exactly why they found them interesting but I just found them boring and annoying as each person who brought it in somehow always used to get confiscated a lot they were the most confiscated item. Another thing I remember was the Nintendo Game-boy however no the old or original for me but the newer version however I love looking this picture and the original  

Other Toys

here are other toys I photographed while at the museum.
looking at the other toys one particular toy which stood out to me was the Furby. A Furby is an American electronic robotic toy resembling a hamster/owl like creature. To me I find Furby's scary, weird and creepy its just something about the way it moves, talks and the eyes especially  I find terrifying and creepy I feel as its slowing digging into your soul and hypnotising you

Teddy Bears
Teddy bears are probably one of the most iconic/important toys of all time as everyone has that one teddy bear they love and have had when they were a child and still have till this day here are a few I photographer while I was there.

Another iconic toy objects besides teddy bears are dolls/baby dolls. Just like teddy bears dolls are the most important objects to us humans they help us when we are growing up as children. They provide us with something to play with when we are bored or learning as a child so holding lots of memories,love. sometimes we cant let go of certain dolls as they are special and have a meaning. The most Important and recognisable dolls would probably be The Barbie doll/other action figures, normal little baby doll in general and Blythe dolls.  
Created in 1959 by American business women Ruth Handler and influenced by a German doll called Bild Lilli, Barbie is a fashion doll and one of the most cultural iconic toys in toy world industry having a lot of rare honours given to the doll. However there have been many controversies with this doll as some people have criticised the Barbie doll for a bad role model for kids especially young girls to look up too,with many people filing lawsuits against the doll for the way the doll appearance and bad life style choices with many people parodying the doll. 

MY Opinion  
Growing up I used to have many Barbie dolls however like many other who would dress them up and play with them me on the other hand would chop there hair up until they were bald,paint all over the face and dissemble the all limbs and head for fun  and just stick it on a stick or just leaving it as it is. I feel that Barbie dolls set a bad example to young girls making them feel uncomfortable about the way they look, dress and the way there body must look all perfect for anybody to like them in order to fit in with society these days. For example I feel as some Fashion world magazine companies, stick thin models and celebrities are the blame for this influencing us to make these choice leading us to have eating disorders, anorexia, body dysmorphia and anxiety.

Blythe Dolls
Created by Allison Katzman in 1972 Blythe dolls are fashion dolls about 28cm tall that's 11 inches they are known for having an oversized head and large eyes that change colour with the pull of the string. I specifically photographed this doll as it is my all time favourite dolls I love the way its designed and the creepiness behind them. I find them very fascinating to look at especially the eyes they remind me of one of Tim Burton characters. 

here are other different some of the different dolls I've photographed.When looking the different dolls I found them all creepy to look at and wondered why on earth children would want to play with these  

Doll Houses
Another important object along with the dolls were the doll houses.These were a key and just like the dolls are one of the most important to children growing up. doll houses gave opportunities for children to make story up and let them be creative and imagine anything was possible/could happen in the doll house with different characters. Doll houses to me are the best I love the interior design,how realistic they are and the detailing for each and every doll house especially the old Victorian/Georgian doll house they have this special vibe  s about them fascinating me. I also find them creepy/terrifying in a good way and are used a lot in horror films along side with the dolls to give you a scare and that extra special touch to them.   

Cooking set/Prams
Two other objects just as important as the doll houses were the cooking set and prams. The cooking set was a game and another important object to  other children growing up with this particular toy helping us when we had nothing to do or were bored this game would allow us  just do anything and imagine and make up stories pretend we were actually cooking ,serving food and a pretend you were a chief have tea parties. 

Another fun game doing this was those baby prams where we use to pretend we had a child and play with it and push it around wherever we went do what we want with it imagine, name it,feed it pretend it was an actual baby. This was a key in us growing up especially with young girls which is still happening to this very day.                  

                              Outdoor toys                 besides playing with toys indoors we also had outdoor toys we used to pay with. here are some of them I've photographed.

Juke-box                                                                          Everyone loves music here is an example of the most iconic music player during our century The Jukebox a coin operated    music box player was the first forms of an automated musical device playing a selection of specific  genres of music. These are  probably the most important  and best musical technology we had during the years you used to listen to music have fun talk to your friends dance along to the music before Ipods/iTunes were created and were people used to actually buy the CD's and vinyl's to listen to and enjoy instead of now technology especially music has gotten so huge you can just download any music in a second instead of having to waste your time buy one of these along with the CD's and vinyl's.   

 Here are some puppets/marionettes I've photographed


The Clown/Annabelle raggedy doll
Out of all of the toys the two that stood out to me the most were the clown and the raggedy Annabelle doll. what attracted me to them was how creepy they were as I love creepy toys and dolls. both toys fascinate me especially the Annabell doll as it has fascinating mystery and story behind it.I choose the clown as its the scariest and most hated toy amongst children and kids often fear it in general.    

The Clown
As you can see I've photographed two different clown toys and I find both terrifying I generally don't like clowns as I find them very suspicious, weird and up to something and fearful however I do find them fascinating and mysterious to look at. I find it interesting how clowns are the second most feared creatures along with bugs and spiders being the first and makes most people uncomfortable instead of making them laugh. Clowns are hated by almost every child especially Ronald McDonald the McDonald clown is one of the scariest and most hated clowns. Coulrophobia is the fear of clowns research has shown the reason why people hate clowns starts from a young age.

Annabelle doll
Just like the Robert Doll residing in The Warren's Occult Museum in Monroe, Connecticut the Annabelle toy is alleged to be the most haunted doll by self proclaimed "demonologists" Ed and Lorraine Warren.The doll has even inspired films like Annabelle and the Conjuring. The doll is based on a true story and is encased in a wooden enclosure,complete with Holy cross and sign saying "Warning do not touch". The story goes 

The Story 
In 1970 a mother purchased an antique Raggedy Ann Doll from a hobby store. The doll was a present for her daughter Donna on her birthday. Donna, at the time, was a student in college, preparing to graduate with her nursing degree and resided in a tiny apartment with her room mate Angie (a nurse as well). Pleased with the doll Donna placed it on her bed as a decoration and didn't give it a second thought until a few days later. With in that time both Donna and Angie noticed that there appeared to be something very strange and creepy about the doll. The doll apparently moved on its own, relatively unnoticeable movements at first, like a change in position, but as time passed the movement became more noticeable. Donna and Angie would come home to find the doll in a completely different room from which they had left it . Sometimes the doll would be found crossed legged on the couch with its arms folded , other times it was found upright, standing on its feet, leaning against a chair in the dining room. Several times Donna, placing the doll on the couch before leaving for work, would return home to find the doll back in her room on the bed with the door closed. 

here are some other puppets/marionettes I've photographed including other important figures including Buzz Lightyear from the film Toy Story action figure and the Doctor Who figures 

Toys are items that are generally used  by children to play with. Playing with toys allows children  to form a different perspective about life and the society they live in.They are also seen as enjoyable and a vital source of training in a young child's life.Using different materials toys can be enjoyable for both young and old people.
However some toys are produced primarily as collectors items and intended for display only.

History of Toys

The origin of the word "toy" is unknown, The earliest toys are made from materials found in nature, such as rocks, sticks, and clay.but it is believed that it was first used in the 14th century. Toys are mainly made for children and and play in general, are important when it comes to growing up and learning about the world around us. The young use toys and play to discover their identity, help their bodies grow strong, learn cause and effect, explore relationships, and practice skills they will need as adults. Adults use toys and play to form and strengthen social bonds, teach, remember and reinforce lessons from their youth, discover their Identity , exercise their minds and bodies, explore relationships, practice skills, and decorate their living spaces.

Toys then became more widespread with the changing attitudes towards children engendered by the Enlightenment. Children began to be seen as people in and of themselves, as opposed to extensions of their household and that they had a right to flourish and enjoy their childhood. The variety and number of toys that were then manufactured during the 18th century steadily rose

The golden age of toy development was at the turn of the 20th century. Real wages were rising steadily in the Western world, allowing even working-class families to afford toys for their children, and industrial techniques of precision engineering and mass production was able to provide the supply to meet this rising demand. Intellectual emphasis was also increasingly being placed on the importance of a wholesome and happy childhood for the future development of children.

Artist research/Inspiration for Toys/Puppets

Annette Messager

Annette Messager is a French Artist best known for her paintings and her installation work which often incorporate photos, prints and drawings with other various materials.Her work Draws upon everyday Toys, puppets and needle work ranging of closely found objects as well as creating performance pieces to be shown.
She also questions accepted perceptions of women in her work. Her artwork stands out from other others artists because of the refined cruelty shes dealt with memories drawn in from her childhood, obsessions, minor incursions into the domain of occult shes had which has also inspires her artwork.   

 Mike Kelley

Inspired by Jason Freeny I decided to make a Hello Kitty out of wire and and paper mache it later painting it to look real.
My Little Pony 


Ron Mueck

Paula Rego

 Paul Klee

Michael Jackson Lookalikes

Puppet ideas and drawing

The Quay Brothers
The Quay Brothers Known of Stephen and Timothy Quay are Extraordinary American Identical twins known for being one of the most important, influential and extraordinary film-makers,Animators in stop-motion history, especially for there incredible set work for the play The Chairs which received a Drama Desk Award  for their outstanding set design in 1991.

Here are more artists influcing my work

Thomas Schutte 


Puppets are large/inanimate objects/figures of either a person or animal.They are representational figures animated and manipulated by puppeteers many puppets/figures normally hollowed heads with a cloth body the reason for this design is so that it can fit over the hand and manipulated like finger puppets and sock puppets.

Puppets can also
lso be attached with string or wire in order for them to move and be used/controlled by puppeteers these are called  marionettes. another way is by making a doll exactly like the person sticking pins these are called voodoo dolls and by making cut out figures using flat articulated figures(shadow puppets).

Marionettes are puppets controlled by a puppeteers called marionettist using wires or strings depending on the regional variations. However the attachment of the strings varies according to the character or purpose of the story .There are 3 different marionettes such as Sicilian,Czech,Burmese. 

They are operated with the puppeteer using hidden or can be revealed to the audience by using vertical or horizontal control bars in different forms of theatre, film,T.V or entertainment venues.

Marionettes are quite famous especially with Television Mainly children's T.V with the most iconic and famous and recognizable Television characters/Marionettes in history being Pinocchio, The Thunderbirds  Andy Pandy, Bill and Ben the flowerpot men and The Adventures of Rupert the Bear 


 Pinocchio is a Novel/Film and character written and created by the Italian author Carlo Colloid Starring a marionette/ wooden puppet called Pinocchio created by a woodcarver named Geppetto. Created as a wooden puppet Pinocchio however dreams to become a real boy one day instead.

The best Known characteristics of Pinocchio is his famous nose, which grows in length when he tells a lie.However  when under stress his character is very well known and prone to telling and fabricating stories and lying for various reasons.

Pinocchio dress sense often decapitates him wearing a jacket and pair of coloured, knee-length pants (lederhosen) made from flower paper,his shoes made from the bark of a tree and his pointy hat mad breadcrumbs even though it's not specified. 

 Pinocchio has been called the most iconic ,well-known marionette/ puppets and one of the most re-imagined characters in the modern culture/pantheon of children literature 

Rather than being seen as charming or endearing the original tales Pinocchio is seen to have bad behaviour as he is described as rascal,disgrace and wretched boy by his on creator,laughing and stealing his wig he is put on to serve a warning which leads into a tragedy with Pinnochio getting executed by his enemies, the fox and the cat where he is bind by his arms,pass a noose around his throat and hanged from the branch of the oak tree.

However in the film  it is nothing like the original instead it involves an cold wood-carver named Geppetto who carves a marionette/wooden puppet named Pinocchio where he wishes on a star for pinocchio to become a real boy. The Puppet is then brought to life by blue fairy,who informs him that he can become a real boy if he proves himself brave,truthful and unselfish. Also to become a real boy pinocchio's efforts must be put to the rest involving encounter with a host of unsavoury characters who often lead pinocchio into temptation and gets carried away by bad company resulting him into being proned to lie a lot resulting in his nose growing longer every time.However he always manages to get out. 

My thoughts and how it links into my FMP
Personally he is one of my favourite and best Disney character created as I love  the story of  how Pinocchio was created , how his character is portrayed  overall, His sense of humour,determination and personality shines across  as a boy who just really wishes  to become a real boy someday and wants it so much he will go in great troubles  difficult situations but always gets out of it to prove he can become a real boy, especially with his nose growing every time he tells a lie

the reason why I've used Pinocchio as reference to my final major project is because it links into my research about puppets,toys and dolls.It also got me thinking about how puppets,toys and dolls are really special/important to us as humans playing a vital role/ impacting our lives in a huge way making us remember great memories growing up as a child. The first things that popped into my head when researching puppets was puppets I growing up watching as a child which everyone remembers being Pinocchio along with others  puppets like the Muppet's,especially Elmo&cookie monster from sesame street Andy Pandy,Bill and Ben and the Flower pot men,Rupert the bear, Thunderbirds etc... I also thought of puppets/toys I love now like the Saw puppet and the Toy Story characters. Pinocchio to me is one of the best Disney characters out there along with Mickey Mouse who is the greatest Disney character created. Its also great to see how much of an impact they still play in there our lives today. Some of my characters are also 
 similar to pinocchio character plus I'm adding some part of pinocchio to my puppet show.

Here are other famous movie

Andy Pandy 

Andy Pandy is one of my favourite showing growing up as child bringing back Memories so i have decided to use it as part of my research and reference for my final Major project

The Thunderbirds  

I've also used the Thunderbirds however as a child I always hated the show as I found it boring. However its fits with my project so I have decided to use it as a reference

Coraline is a 3D Stop-Motion dark fantasy film based on Neil Gaiman's Novel. Out of all the Animated films Coraline is my favourite I love the concept and story behind it especially how dark and creepy it is especially the Other Mothers character  out of all the characters she my favourites I love how deceiving, secretive, mysterious she is and the appearance of her character I find her very fascinating. I've used Coraline as reference because again it fits into my work and my research in toys and Puppets.

The Opening/Introduction 

The Opening scene Where you see hands re-making another doll so that it resemble an 11 year old girl by the Coraline Jones in the film is one of my favourite and best part to the movie. What I most like about this particular part is the way he the hands re-makes the doll and takes out all the different stitches and wool to make make a brand new doll. I loves seeing how things are made especially dolls.My favourite part is probably when the hands stitch on the button eyes.I also love all the detailing the hand does so that it really resembles the character in the story and how this doll is in fact made as a spy doll by the other mother. It makes me wonder if in fact this could or has happened in real life but nobody known about this and if there is another world/ Parallel universe out there just like coraline where all our dreams and wishes come true and our family  and selves look completely different in this world.

The Story Follows an 11 year old girl named Coraline Jones who has recently moved home with her parents from Pontiac, Michigan, to the Pink Palace, a Victorian Mansion renovated into an apartment in Ashland,Oregon.

 are always too busy working on their gardening catalogue and

 are unable to spend time with her so Coraline is always felt as she is neglected so instead she decides to explore the her new home. Her father suggests she hang out with wyborn Lovat aka "wybie", the grandson of the apartments landlady who she has repeatedly insulted, however she does not feel like doing this,While she is exploring she finds a small door which is sealed off by a brick wall. That night she's awakened by a mouse and follows it to door which was seal but no longer is, she enters discovering a long,dark corridor where she finds another world, a fantastical parallel version of her home inhabited by copies strongly resembling her parents called "The other mother and "other father" but instead have black buttons for eyes   

These beings prove to be warmer and more attentive than Coraline's real parents particularly the Other Mother, who does everything she can to impress Coraline). Coraline falls asleep in the Other World, but when she awakens the next morning, she finds herself back in her old world.

Despite warnings from her neighbours, Coraline continues to venture to the Other World at night to escape the doldrums of her real life,
and is entertained by button-eyed "Other" versions of her neighbours, including a quiet Other Wybie, a fun Mr. Bobinsky who runs a circus and young Miss Spink and Miss Forcible who are great actresses. Back in the real world, while shopping for school clothes, Coraline asks her mum for mittens, only to be rejected. Angry with her mum, Coraline returns to the Other World. During her third visit, Coraline encounters a black cat from her own world who has the ability to speak in the Other World, who warns Coraline of danger. 

He warns her that this place is not a "dream come true" and that the "Other Mother" is not a "mother" at all. She disregards his warnings until the Other Mother invites her to live in the Other World forever if she can sew buttons over her eyes. Horrified, Coraline pretends to be tired and hurries off to bed, only to find herself still in the other world when she awakens. Coraline attempts to leave by walking away from the house, only to be where she started. Coraline breaks into a room and finds the door to be blocked by the Other Mother. Coraline demands to return home and tells the Other Mother that she is not her mother. Enraged, the Other Mother transforms into a tall, slender, and monstrous form, trapping Coraline in a small room behind a mirror. 

There, she meets the ghosts of three children who lost their eyes and lives to the Other Mother. They plead with Coraline to avoid their fate and request that she find their eyes, which will free them from their imprisonment. With the help of the Other Wybie, Coraline escapes to her own world, but finds that her parents have been kidnapped by the Other Mother.

Coraline returns to the Other World and challenges the Other Mother to a game to find her missing parents and the eyes of the ghost children; she agrees to stay in the Other World forever and have buttons sewn in her eyes if she loses. Coraline uses her seeing stone to find the ghosts' eyes and outwits the twisted inhabitants of the Other World guarding them, ultimately with the help of the black cat. She also finds her parents who are trapped in a snow globe, but the ghost children speak to Coraline through the eyes, warning her the Other Mother (who has decayed further into a massive, arachnoid creature with hands made of sewing needles) will never let her go, even if she wins. Thinking quickly, Coraline tricks the Other Mother into opening the door to the real world and escapes through it, closing the door on the Other Mother's hand, severing it. 

Coraline finds her parents safe with no recollection of what happened and the ghost children at peace, but not long after, they warn her the Other Mother will still try to retrieve the key. To keep the Other Mother from returning, Coraline intends to drop the key to the door between her world and the Other World down a water well near her house; the Other Mother's severed hand, however, enters Coraline's world and tries to steal the key. Wybie arrives to help her, and the two destroy the hand. They then drop the remains (and the key) down the well. With her parents done with their work and able to spend time with their daughter.

The Muppet's 

The Muppet's the most famous and iconic group of puppets/characters  known for an absurdest, burlesque and self referential style if variety sketch comedy  

Sesame Street 

Sesame Street is the most famous and iconic long-running American children's television series alongside The Muppet's. created by Joan Ganz Cooney and Lloyd Morrisett the program is known for its educational content, and images communicated through the use of Jim Henson's Muppet's, animation, short films, humour, and cultural references.

I've find both of these to be inspirational and iconic and have decided to research and used both of these iconic Puppets as part of my reference for my work as it fits into my final major project and my research on puppets/Marionettes and ventriloquism. I've also made my own version of puppets inspired by them however I've changed it up and made them creepy looking like a voodoo doll as it fits my style 

 APPENDIX 2: Bibliography (Harvard Format):

Book Reference 
Brian Selznick: Hugo Cabaret (2007)
Movie poster Reference:http://cdn.collider.com/wp-content/uploads/hugo-movie-poster-02.jpg 
Research on film/authors
book: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Invention_of_Hugo_Cabret
Information on film: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugo_(film)
Information about George Melies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georges_M%C3%A9li%C3%A8s
A trip to the moon/ Le Voyage Dans La Luna: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Trip_to_the_Moon
George Melies: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/63/George_Melies.jpg
Steampunk era: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steampunk
clockworks: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clockwork
Victorian era: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victorian_era
Victorian houses: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victorian_house
Victorian decorative arts: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victorian_decorative_arts
Automaton: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automaton
The Empty Child: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Empty_Child
Silent film: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silent_film

Other Films
The Muppet's
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Muppets    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Muppets_(film)
Toy Story 
Billy the Puppet : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_the_Puppet_(Saw)               Jigsaw: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jigsaw_(Saw)                                                                    Saw pictures   http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9guybDdlm1rezygko1_1280.jpg   http://boomstickcomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/saw.jpg
 Pig mask: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jigsaw_(Saw)#Pig_mask
Sesame Street 
Andy Pandy:
My Chemical Romance:
Panic at the Disco
Christina Aguliera 
Jim Croce
Artist research page
Annette Messager
Mike Kelley
Quay Brothers:
Tony Ousler:
Ron Mueck:
Jason Freeny:
Paula Rego:
Paul Klee:
Punch and Judy :
Michael Jackson Lookalikes:
Thomas Schutte:
Museum of Childhood
Dolls/doll house:
Blythe doll:
My Little Pony
Hello Kitty
Voodoo dolls:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haitian_Vodou#Myths_and_misconceptions      Marionettes/ String puppets:
Sock Puppets: 
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Sock_puppetry                   Ventriloquism:  
Slipknot band/ masks : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slipknot_(band)#Image_and_identities

YouTube links :
Film trailers 
 Hugo trailer- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR-kP-olcpM
Automaton- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAfQO1kfANg
A trip to the moon- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FrdVdKlxUk
George Melies-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4LpU5dUnj0
Coraline Intro-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFLId-U2soA
Other mother
Music videos
Christina Aguliera hurt- 
Mcfly-Ballad of Paul K
My Chemical Romance- Welcome to the Black Parade
Panic at the Disco-The Ballad of Mona Lisa
I write sins not tragedies
Jime Croce- Time In a Bottle
X-men days of our future past scene