Thursday 30 April 2015

reflective blog

My Final Major Project(The Freaky Toy Show)
This Is my Final Major Project.

I've also uploaded it to vimeo
Vimeo link:

Wednesday 25 March 2015

ToolKit/glossary of terms

more animation glossary 

A method for the animation of live action by tracing actual film onto drawing paper on a frame by frame basis.

A portion of a picture depicting one action or a series of action using one background.

Usually a series of scenes depicting the continuation of one action or series of actions with the same character or characters.

An individual picture on the film.
Sometimes referred to as an "Opaquer." A person who paints the opaque color on the cells.
In reference to action as a whole - the time used to present an action in terms of feet and frames. In reference to individual drawings, the spacing of one drawing to another in actual distance.

Refers to original art created for reproduction in a book, in any media.

A three dimensional statue or figurine, produced in the studio in very limited numbers as a reference to assist the animators in visualizing what a character will look like from varying perspectives. Usually constructed of plaster with wire armature and painted in colors.

These drawings, created in series, are used to describe the story and action, or other conceptual aspect of an animated film during the developmental stage. Done in various media, they can be anything from thumbnail sketches to beautifully colored finished pieces 
of art.

Board on which story sketches are pinned in strip fashion in an order that tells the complete story.
Drawings made as a guide for the establishment of color and form and detail of a character.
Includes all pre-production artwork created before actual animation 
has begun.
Pre-production sketches, drawings, and cells depicting preliminary 
character studies.INSPIRATIONAL/CONCEPT 
Created by different artists in a wide variety of media to suggest the mood, look, color styling or overall atmosphere 
Film Techniques 

Continuity Suggests continuous action with respect to angles, props and positioning of actors
Cut Instant change between frames

Mix/Dissolve Image on screen appears to dissolve/fade away while another scene is appearing; originally done by overlaying 
several frames when splicing celluloid

Superimposition Similar to mix but lasts for longer so both shots are actually visible at once

Fade in/Fade out Image fades into blackness before the next appears or a scene emerges from blackness

Wipe One scene pushes another off the screen sideways, in order to replace it
Matched cut:Shows Familiar relationship between shots making the change smoother
Jump cut: This is when two sequential shots of the same subject are taken from camera positions.
Motivated cut:This is a cut made at the point where something has occured. This makes the viewer immediately want to see something not currently visible 
Film movement
Regular speed 24 frames per second Gives a sense of reality
Slow motion Filmed at a faster rate than 24 frames per second but 
played back at regular speed 
Gives the effect of slow motion when played at normal 
speed; gives a sense that time is suspended; creates 
tension, excitement, romance
Fast motion Pictures taken at very high speeds (128 frames per 
second or more) 
Movement is speeded up; creates tension, excitement, 
anxiety, comedy

photography glossary
Adjustable camera
A camera with manually adjustable settings for distance,lens openings, and shutter speeds.
Ambient light
The available light completely surrounding a subject. Light already existing in an indoor or outdoor setting that is not caused by any illumination supplied by the photographer.
Angle of view
The area of a scene that a lens covers or sees. Angle of view is determined by the focal length of the lens. A wide-angle lens (short focal length) includes more of the scene—a wide angle of view—than a normal (normal-focal   length) or telephoto (long focal-length) lens.
Camera Angles
Various positions of the camera (high, medium, or low; and left, right, or straight on) with respect to the subject, each giving a different viewpoint or effect.
Light coming from behind the subject, toward the camera lens, so that the subject stands out vividly against the background. Sometimes produces a silhouette effect.
Placement of colors, light and dark masses, or large and small objects in a picture to create harmony and equilibrium
The range of difference in the light to dark areas of a negative, print, or slide (also called density); the brightness range of a subject or the scene lighting
Printing only part of the image that is in the negative or slide,usually for a more pleasing composition. May also refer to the framing of the scene in the viewfinder.
A light tight area used for processing films and for printing and processing papers; also for loading and unloading film holders and some cameras.

Animation can be a manipulation of electronic images done by computer/ drawn/clay/photos in order to create a moving image
 It's also the  the process of creating motion  and shape change illusion   by means of the rapid display of a sequence of static images that minimally differ from each other. The illusion—as in motion pictures in general—is thought to rely on the phi phenomenon. Animators  are artists who specialize in the creation of animation.

Animations can be recorded  on either analogue media, such as a flip book , motion,picture film, video tape, or on digital media , including formats such as animated GIF , flash animation  or digital video. To display it, a digital camera ,claymation/puppets computer, or projector  are used.
Animation creation methods include the traditional animation  creation method and those involving stop motion animation  of two and three-dimensional objects, such as paper cutouts ,puppets and clay figures  . Images are displayed in a rapid succession, usually 24, 25, 30, or 60 frames per second.

Stop motion (also known as stop frame) is an animation  technique to make a physically manipulated object or persona appear to move on its own. The object is moved in small increments between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the series of frames is played as a continuous sequence. Dolls with movable joints or clay figures are often used in stop motion for their ease of repositioning. Stop motion animation using plasticine is called clay animation  or "clay-mation". Not all stop motion requires figures or models; many stop motion films can involve using humans, household appliances and other things for comedic effect. Stop motion using objects is sometimes referred to as object animation.
claymation is one of many forms of stop motion  animation. Each animated piece, either character or background, is "deformable"—made of a malleable substance, usually plasticine clay.
Each object or character is sculpted from clay or other such similarly pliable material as plasticine , usually around a wire skeleton called an armature, and then arranged on the set, where it is photographed once before being slightly moved by hand to prepare it for the next shot, and so on until the animator has achieved the desired amount of film. Upon playback, the human mind  of the viewer perceives the series of slightly changing, rapidly succeeding images as motion.
A consistent shooting environment is needed to maintain the illusion of continuity : objects must be consistently placed and lit, and work must proceed in a calm environment.
A sub variation of clay animation can be informally called "clay melting". Any kind of heat source can be applied on or near (or below) clay to cause it to melt while an animation camera  on a time- lapse setting slowly films the process. 

White board/Cutout  animation is a technique for producing animations using flat characters, props and backgrounds cut from materials such as paper, card, stiff fabric or even photographs. The world's earliest known animated feature films were cutout animations (made in Argentina byQuirino Cristiani); as is the world's earliest surviving animated feature.also using white board and markers 

Today, cutout-style animation is frequently produced using computers, with scanned images or vector graphics taking the place of physically cut materials. South Park is a notable example of this transition since its first episode was made with paper cutouts before switching tocomputer animation.

More complex figures depicted in cutout animation, such as in silhouette animation, often have joints made with a rivet or pin – or when made on a computer, an anchor. These connections act as mechanical linkage which have the effect of a specific, fixed motion.

University for the Creative Arts
School of Further Education

UALAB Foundation Diploma in Art & Design – Foundation Studies 2014/2015

Centre Name
University for the Creative Arts, Epsom
Centre Number
Candidate Name
Christie Yousif
Candidate Signature
Christie Yousif
UALAB Reg. No:

Project Proposal Title
The Freaky Toy Show
Film/Photography/ Animation (Media pathway)

Tutor Signature


Health & Safety Information

This information has been compiled for your Health & Safety and should be read  carefully.  It is intended to provide you with a reference device to enable you to carry out your projects safely.

Health and safety is not just about avoiding accidents. Neither is it solely about taking care of yourself. Awareness of Health and Safety means acting responsibly and in a professional manner. Essentially, it is about being aware of dangerous situations by possessing respect for your environment.

Everyday we use materials that may cause accidents or hazards, they can range from paper cuts,  to an accident in a workshop. The majority of these accidents are caused through an over familiarity when using equipment or materials.
The basic rules are:

• If you are unsure of a procedure or material test which you want to carry out for your project then consult a technician or lecturer.

Risk =   A source of danger ;a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune;

Hazard = Dangerous, perilous, uncertain.
“drinking alcohol is a health hazard’.

You Should make  a list of potential things that may have the potential to cause harm i.e. electricity, hazardous substances, work at height etc.

Here is a simple test you can carry out to assess a risk or hazard;

1. How severe is any injury or health effect likely to be?
Tick one box
Minor o
Moderate o
Major/Fatal o
2.  How is exposure to the hazard for you or someone else likely to be bad?
Tick one box
Unlikely o
Likely o
Very Likely o
3. Calculate the risk score by multiplying the 2 scores in Q1 & Q2

Low o

Medium o

High o

Risk category (including supervision) tick box:

 HIGH Work must not be started without consultation with your Pathway tutors or Technicians. Direct supervision by one of your pathway  lecturers or technician must be arranged.

MEDIUM Work must not be started without the advice and approval of those named above.     

 LOW   Work may proceed because there are no significant risks and no special supervision is required.
Pre-Assessment Review of Project Proposal Realisation
Name:Christie Yousif 

Project proposal Title: TheFreaky ToyShow 

Project Proposal 

1.1 How are you using a range of critical and contextual perspectives within the development of your personal proposal? Give examples 

I amusingAnimation as a range of critical and contextual researchingdifferent animatorsto help me with the development.For thisI have mainlybeeninfluence by Puppetsand Toys,variousmusicians, Sculptors, films and books  

1.2 How are you using detailed analysis and evaluation to clarify the development of your person project proposal? Where is it evidenced?  Give examples. 

I’ve used detailed analysis and evaluation to clarify the development of your person project proposal by  
Researching puppetry and the art of it. Making characters, Mind-mapping, creating a storyboard and scriptto help me. 

Primary and secondary 

2.1 How are you using wide-ranging and in-depth research to support the development of your personal project? Give examples 

I am using a variety ofwide-range and in-depth research to help support the developmentincluding things like Books two particular books I’m using is Hugo Cabaret and Coraline to helpsupport the development of my project. I’m also using the    Internet to researchartistsespecially YouTube searchingvideos, music videos to help me and have inspired meone.  

While Watching X-Men Days of our future past there was this one particular scene and what caught m eye was the music used which was Jim Croce Time in a bottle, which I will be using in my project.  

Finally I’m also visiting Museums to help me with researchto do with toys and puppetsone particular museum is The Museum of Childhood,photographing images making them into a collage to help my development.    

2.2 How are you using analytical and evaluative skills to develop a range of creative solutions? Give examples 

the  analytical and evaluative skills  I’m using to help develop therange ofcreativessoloutionsfor my work is using different 

Problem Solving 
Theory and Practice 

3.1 What complex practical and technical problems are you solving within your project? Give examples 

The complex practical and technical problems I had within your project was making the characters, making themmove ,having trouble with the lighting and angle it was filmed at. 

3.2 How are you solving complex theoretical problems within your project? Give examples 

I solved the complex theoretical problems bywatching tutorials and online videos on YouTube, Vimeo and Lynda in order to fix my problem. 

Planning and Production 

4.1 How are you demonstrating the ability to efficiently plan organize and produce a personal project within the agreed time frame? Give examples 

I’ve demonstrated the ability to efficiently plan organize and produce a personal project by making a Gantchart, brainstorming ideas, timetablingandstoryboardingmyideas,writing out and illustrating showing the stages of my progress  

Practical Skills 
Refinement and Realization of Ideas 

5.1 How are you exploring, adapting and applying a range of practical methods and skills in the realization of your personal project? Give examples 

I’ve used different software’s like Illustrator, Photoshop, Premier Pro, Flash, using a camera and tripod to film my work  

Reflection and Evaluation 
Project Development 

6.1 How are you maintaining detailed critically evaluative and reflective records of the development of your project? Give examples 

Iam critically evaluating my work andmaintaining my reflectiverecords by using mysketchbook and jotting down ideas and keeping a reflective diary at all times besides me as I am working  

6.2 How are you demonstrating that you are using evaluative and reflective skills to make perceptive decisions in support of your project? Give examples 

I am demonstrating my evaluation and reflective skills by asking my tutors and peers for some advice and feedback 
Onhow I could improvecertain aspects on mywork showingthem a few clips and test pieces and asking their opinion on it if it was successful andunsuccessful andhow I could improve to make it better so.I will use this information to help me support my Project. 

Final Presentation 
andAudience Consideration 

7.1 What strategies are you considering to use to present your project? 

The Strategies I will be considering when presenting my work is  
I will present my work by having a small show where people can sit and enjoy m animation  

7.2 How will you present your work in a skillfull and proficient manner? 
Give examples 
I will present my workby having a small show where people can sit and enjoyanimation andcatchtheirattention  

Who is your specified audience and how will you engage them with your work? 

My Specified audience for this certain project is Children of all ages and Family’s 

Project Proposal

Section 1- Review of progress and achievements through part 1&2 of the course

I've Gained collection of aesthetic skills and gaining more Knowledge while studying this particular course which I didn't think I had.This experience has been outstanding and recommend it others to try it as it will change there life in every way possible.I believe that my work has improved and progressed further through different stages of the course for example At the Very start of the course it  was  interesting having to go through all Art & Design subjects out there and see how different they were from each other and see which one was your strongest point. I enjoyed all those units as they gave me better understanding of how to create great work and content. .I choose the Media Pathway as I am interested in Animation part of  it as I found it the most enjoyable compared to the others. I also choose it as I want to be and Animator /Illustrator/comic book artist and work specifically in that industry as my huge aspirations is to become a free lance artist/animating career working with great and big companies  work with companies such as Cartoon Network, Disney, Pixar ,Marvel and DC comics also there is one particular Direction/artist(singer) that has inspired me into becoming an animator and that is Tim Burton and Gerard Way. For my FMP I've  decided to make an animation about a puppet show and in order to for it to be successful and for me to achieve this goal I've planned to learn and experiment with different techniques, software and draw a lot more on how to make a great animation. My Puppet show animation is related to the very first unit being creatures as I feel that puppets are like creature and can behave  they are actually animate even thought people say they just inanimate objects i fell as they can actually  move and talk when you least expect it or when you not watching them. Furthermore I felt I have matured and learnt to be more patient through  this time of the course I feel as my work has progressed hugely and become organised and successful. Overall one thing I would like to change is to talk to my tutors more frequently and meet deadlines faster. 

Section 2: Project Concept 

My Final Major project  I  will be be  creating a puppet show animation based upon my love for toys and puppets. I've already started working on a script and storyboard, how every scene is going to look like and how the characters will look like. I've also decide to use music  already existing on YouTube. The music I will be using will be Jim Croce Time in a bottle linked with other spooky creepy music.The reason I used this particular artist as I recently watched X-Men Days of our Future Past with the slow motion scene including the X-Men characters Particularly quicksilvers character  and fell in love with the song straight away as it felt it best suited my Project.

The Main Influences in the creation of my Puppets show was inspired by my top 6

 favourite movies of my all time two them being in the horror genre, And  3 of them being
 from fantasy genre and  starting with Coraline as the first one Hugo as the second, Toy Story as the third, Saw as the fourth and the fifth one being Chucky(childs play) and the last being The Muppet's
 . I used these particular genres as they are my favourite and often always work well with each other. To help me further my project been researching on the internet, look at different books, looking on YouTube to find inspiration  inspiring me referencing them along the way. One Two Particular book I've researched and has a huge role in my final major project is Brian Selznick book called Hugo Cabaret and both film and book Coraline by Neil Gaiman. Besides Books  Music has also influence my work 5 artists in Particular that have done this are My Chemical Romance-Welcome to the Black Parade, Mcfly-Ballad of Paul K, Panic at the Disco- Ballad of Mona Lisa, Christina Aguliera-Hurt and Jim Croce-Time in a Bottle. Museums have also played a huge role in this Particularly The Museum Of Childhood as my whole story is based around toys and puppets which the Museum is known for showing both old and new. to explore and further my research how I will be doing this  I have recently visited I looked at and photographed many  different toys which I felt fit into my project . I am going to test out/use different editing software including illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Flash, Premier Pro and Movie Maker to help me decide what is right for my final major project. Overall I hope to achieve all my goals and make a fantastic animation with all these references/research helping me along the way.

Section 3- Evaluation 

In order for me to achieve my goals making sure  my work is right, up to date and for me to  have a perfect outcome I will Evaluate and reflect on my work by keeping a reflective diary besides me at all times to record my most successful and unsuccessful piece of work and how my ideas have changed/ adapted through the project.Also by making mini test pieces  this will help me understand improve and correct my previous  mistakes which I thought would work and will help me not do make the same mistakes when creating my 
 my final outcome. I will also be asking my tutors and peers for some advice and feedback
on how I could  improve certain aspects on my work  showing them a few clips and test pieces and asking their opinion on it if it was successful and unsuccessful  and how I could improve to make it better so.I will use this information to help me  achieve my goal and make a successful animation.

APPENDIX 1: Gant Chart

Week 1
 Tribal Meetings-(The Resisters)
 Get Together with Tribal Group Discuss how were are doing give ideas each other post on each others Blog. 

Week 2
 Self Study - Starting to think/Planning
what I might do for My Final Major Project 
Week 3
 More Planning jotting down ideas and brainstorming on  what to do and how I'm going to do it
Week 4

 Thinking about the influences and researching/ thinking about what music to add started researching music.

Week 5
 Going to different museums especially The Museum of  Childhood and photographing different toys and objects linking to my project
Week 6
 More research. researching toys/objects/puppets
 movie/film research, researching different music  videos that inspired me  and adding it all into my blog 
Week 7
  getting all my ideas together making a script starting to make a  story board out of it(first draft of my story board)
Week 8
 learning different techniques. used Photoshop/illustrator
to create characters and test.Correcting my script and storyboard and adding/ removing different scenes 
Week 9
 finished script and story board for my puppet show. also fished making characters on illustrator/Photoshop testing my them out on different software  for my final piece including
Photoshop and illustrator

Week 10

Easter Break
TWO WEEKS-during the whole first week I spent my time building my puppet show set out of different materials I brought from hobby craft and cardboard 
 built my set and and designed my characters. during the second week I finished making my set and characters, hired a camera and 
 started filming little pieces of my working having a test shot of my 
  my set/ work to see how it would look like overall.

Week 11

 /Continued  to  make test shots of my work changing different aspects of it.Uploaded My Images and started to play around with the images and started editing my work

Week 12

continued to edit my final major project 

Week 13
again continued to edit adding detail/ music final touches to my work/Final Submission of all PART 3 UNIT 7 Work

 APPENDIX 2: Bibliography (Harvard Format):

Book Reference 
Brian Selznick: Hugo Cabaret (2007) 
Movie poster Reference: 
Research on film/authors
Information on film:
Information about George Melies:
A trip to the moon/ Le Voyage Dans La Luna:
George Melies:
Steampunk era:
Victorian era:
Victorian houses:
Victorian decorative arts:
The Empty Child:
Silent film:

Other Films
The Muppet's
Toy Story
Billy the Puppet :               Jigsaw:                                                                    Saw pictures
 Pig mask:
Sesame Street
Andy Pandy:
My Chemical Romance:
Panic at the Disco!_at_the_Disco
Christina Aguliera
Jim Croce
Artist research page
Annette Messager
Mike Kelley
Quay Brothers:
Tony Ousler:
Ron Mueck:
Jason Freeny:
Paula Rego:
Paul Klee:
Punch and Judy :
Michael Jackson Lookalikes:
Thomas Schutte:
Museum of Childhood
Dolls/doll house:
Blythe doll:
My Little Pony
Hello Kitty
Voodoo dolls:      Marionettes/ String puppets:                      
Sock Puppets:                   Ventriloquism:   
Slipknot band/ masks :

YouTube links :
Film trailers 
 Hugo trailer-
A trip to the moon-
George Melies-
Coraline Intro-
Other mother
Music videos
Christina Aguliera hurt-
Mcfly-Ballad of Paul K
My Chemical Romance- Welcome to the Black Parade
Panic at the Disco-The Ballad of Mona Lisa
I write sins not tragedies
Jime Croce- Time In a Bottle
X-men days of our future past scene